Childhood Cancer Community Awareness 

Educating our community on facts, statistics and the signs and symptoms to look out for is our program goal.  By reaching others through school seminars, encouraging kids of all ages to advocate for kids or community events, we can raise awareness on childhood cancer and make a difference. 

Would you like for us to host a Childhood Cancer Educational Seminar at your school? Send us an email.

Courageous Care Packs

Our care pack program is open to all children affected by childhood cancer and is created to have essentials that children may need as they embark on their journey to conquer cancer during their treatment and life in remission. Our program is offered to any child with cancer in the Rio Grande Valley and San Antonio area. It is filled with not only educational books on cancer, but with toys and games that are entertaining during their hospital stays along with a cozy blanket and other take along essentials.

Request your free care pack today!

📝 Care Pack Request Application (English) 

📝Care Pack Request Application (Spanish) 

Scholarships for Pediatric Cancer Survivors

NKCC Scholarship program is designed to provide funding to pediatric cancer patients and survivors, ages 16-18, who wish to continue their education through an accredited undergraduate school or trade school. Scholarships will be awarded to applicants based on financial need and personal hardship. 


NKCC Scholarship is currently closed. 2024 application opening soon.